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Published on Oct 17, 2014

Its natural for dogs to bark and sometimes they don’t understand why it can be bad in certain situations. Below are five tips on training your dog not to bark.?

What is really making your dog bark?

If he barks at pedestrians walking by outside the window, close the curtains and remove him from the room. If he barks when he wants something and you give it to him so he’ll stop, then remove that option completely. Never leave your dog outside alone because he could bark and become an annoyance to the neighborhood. Keep him inside until learns better.

Invite your dog closer to what is making him bark

For example, if he barks constantly at the birds, stay next to the tree they are in and reward him. When they fly away stop giving him treats. By feeding him treats around the things that makes him bark, he will realize that these things are good.

Dogs will bark for attention so don’t give it to them

Try not to acknowledge it, don’t even look at him or talk to him. When he realizes its not working he will stop. If he continues, you must wait as long as it takes for him to stop, the minute he stops to take a breath, reward him with a treat.

Train him to bark on command

It sounds like the opposite of what you want to do but he may start barking only when you command him too. After you teach him to speak then you can easily teach him the “quiet” command. When he starts to speak, immediately say “quiet” and show him a treat, when he stops barking, give him a treat.

Keep up with your dogs physical activity

The more exercise he gets, the more tired he will be. Dogs usually bark out of boredom or wanting attention, so keep them entertained. Don’t forget while your training them to be consistent with your routines and don’t ever yell at your dog. They will think you are barking with them instead of realizing your irritated.

For more information on how to get your dog to stop barking, call us at (425) 405-5748.


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